Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Commonweal Editors do not Get It

Commonweal takes the easy road in its April 29, 2009 "Seeking Justice" on the proposed law in New York advocating the extension of the Statute of Limitations so that justice can be attained by those abused by priests long ago. Never in the forefront in defending victim's rights, Commonweal has been part of exposing bishops and insisting on tranparency in this area as well as others. Who can forget Margaret O'Briens stirring rebuke to the bishops at the Dallas Conference!

Nevertheless, Commonweal many times fail when it is most crucial. For example this is the conclusion to the present editorial: "Eventually lawyers on both sides will have to get out of the way so that the hard work of reconciliation and healing can begin."

If that advice had been followed bishops would still be sending priest pedophiles out to harm more children. Unfortunately, Commonweal in trying to be fair cops out at a crucial time. Does Commonweal have a plan or suggestion of one for reconciliation?

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