Friday, January 11, 2008

Reminder: VOTF meeting on Monday Jan.14 at 7:30 pm

VOTF meeting on Monday Jan.14 at 7:30 pm
in the Larchmont Avenue Church
Jennifer Lowry, Assistant District Attorney for Westchester County, will be speaking about sexual abuse in Westchester.

This is a one-time opportunity for us to hear from the D.A's office, to become more informed and to ask relevant questions. Please invite friends to this meeting as the more people who understand these important issues the greater chance we have of reforming these NY State laws.

PURPOSE: To Reform the NYS Statute of Limitations on Child Sexual
Abuse during the 2008 session of the NYS Legislature.

Fr. Tom Doyle reminds us:

It is essential to support legislative changes in the law by:
extending the Statutes of Limitations well beyond the limited number of years common to most states and
by passage of a "window" of a year or more to enable persons who have fallen outside the Statute to come forward and initiate cases.
Current research shows that at least 1 in 5 American children have been sexually abused. Meanwhile, many of their predators are legally shielded by state statutes
of limitations!!

Help protect the children of New York; become more informed and help change the law!

For more information google NYS Assembly and NYS Senate.

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